
We have apps for torah learning and davening

Siddur Torah Ohr, Chabad

The Smart Siddur by

  1. Kidush Levana.
  2. Now includes a new way of displaying Me’ein Shalosh.
  3. Knows which Tefilah you'll need at any given time by tapping "Daven" using 3d Touch from the home screen or from the widget in the "today" view.
  4. The daily Tehilim is after Al Tira in Shacharis.
  5. Displays the relevant Kriah for every Holiday - Rosh Chodesh, Chol Hamoed, Fastday etc.
  6. Only will display whats needed (i.e. Morid Hatal, Tefilin for men etc.)
  7. Inserts special paragraphs (i.e. Yaaleh Veyavo, Hallel, etc.) at the correct place, and inserts special Tefilos for different times of year (i.e. Aseres Yemei Teshuva, Chol Hamoed, etc)

Tikkun Korim תיקון קוראים

Perfect for perfecting proficiency in reading the Torah portion. Choose a Parsha from any Chumash including double Parshiot. Makes practicing much easier.

  1. Select a Chumash then a Parsha then an Aliya.
  2. Tap the text to switch from with Nikkud and Trop/Taamim/Simanim to without. And vice versa.
  3. Tap the back-button on the top of the screen to go to the previous menu.
  4. Tap the grid (four squares) to start from the beginning.
  5. Quickly switch from one Aliya to the next by tapping the arrows on the top left.
  6. Now it's easier to practice reading the Torah on the go!

Simple Function

Tap the text to switch from with Nikkud and Trop/Taamim/Simanim to without. And vice versa.

Easy Navigation

Quickly switch from one Aliya to the next by swiping left and right or by tapping the arrows on the top left.

On The Go

Tikkun Korim was designed with the small screen in mind, it only shows what you need when you need it, a simple tap gets you where you need.

Try The Tikkun Online Here!


Practice for Purim's Megillah reading.

  1. Tap the text to switch from with Nikkud and Trop (Taamim/Simanim) to plain text. And vice-versa.
  2. Zoom in and out with the provided controls.
  3. Change the Perek using the "Choose Perek" drop-down menu.

Shnayim Mikra

שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום

  1. Displays the weekly Parsha with by aliya.